35 years of expertise
in civilian and Defense industries

From design through to maintenance, encompassing supply chain management, precision mechanical machining, and optical integration, Elynxo excels as a French leader in high-performance optronics and precision mechanics, mastering the entire product lifecycle.

Elynxo actively participates in the French industrial recovery plan by creating industrial jobs and developing and perpetuating its know-how, while reducing its dependence on third countries. This constant quest for excellence guides the company’s actions on a daily basis.

The new establishment near Paris embodies our strategy to establish an optoelectronic center of excellence in Île-de-France, investing in R&D and mass industrial production of high-added-value products.



Creation of Scrome, specializing in the development, engineering, and manufacturing of equipment for military and civilian applications.

Inauguration des nouveaux locaux d'Elynxo


New horizons

New ownership and new management to reposition the company and implement an ambitious industrial strategy.

2016 – 2019

Complete transformation of the company: infrastructure, organization, industrial means, and processes.


Precision mechanics

Acquisition in 2019 of Fimalex, a company specialized for 10 years in precision engineering, particularly in the fields of optics and aerospace.


Industrial services

Launch of a service activity for the military aerospace and industrial sectors: manufacturing and repair of onboard optronic equipment and manufacturing of high value-added industrial optical equipment.


New Name, New Ambitions

The company asserts its development strategy in high value-added markets by adopting its new name: Elynxo, and renewing its visual identity.

Les installations de haut niveau d'Elynxo


New industrial Site

Consolidation of Elynxo’s activities in a custom-designed industrial site near Paris

Our values


We implement an innovation approach focused on user needs and based on constant technological monitoring carried out by a dedicated internal team. We create innovative solutions through technology as well as through usage and ergonomics that bring real added value to our customers.

Assemblages optroniques complexes et de haute performance
Contrôle des pièces mécaniques et des produits finis chez Elynxo

Quality and Excellence

All our activities are based on the excellence and operational quality, both in R&D and in production. The profound transformation carried out between 2016 and 2019 has enabled us to implement a solid organizational structure and industrial tool, consolidating and perpetuating our various expertise throughout the entire industrial lifecycle of our products.

Elynxo exposant sur un salon de défense et sécurité

Customer-Centric Culture

Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we value the commitment of our team to achieve this common goal. Our efficient structure and SME agility enable us to effectively meet our customers’ expectations.


We deeply believe in the social and environmental responsibility of our company. These commitments guide our choices and actions on a daily basis, leading us to constantly progress towards a more responsible and sustainable behavior.

product durability

local involvement

We implement a genuine “Made in France” strategy. Our center of excellence is located near Paris where we create sustainable industrial jobs. We collaborate overwhelmingly with French partners to maximize the French value-added in all of our products (70 to 100% depending on the products).

corporate responsibility

We take concrete measures such as the construction of an environmentally friendly building, optimizing energy efficiency, and the valorization of waste from our industrial processes.

Our strategy of industrial development in France and internalization of key manufacturing processes and components also allows us to proactively address our environmental impact through short supply chains.

Commitment to our teams

Qualified and certified expertise

Our commitment to placing customer satisfaction at the center of our organization is reflected in our development of rigorous quality processes designed to meet all your requirements.

Elynxo, member of French Fab

This label attests to the excellence of our employees and solutions, as well as our commitments to digital and environmental transformation. This membership makes sense and allows us to anchor our industrial values: Made In France / Innovation / International Opening / Jobs

Elynxo, labelled UAF

The UAF label “Used by the French Armed Forces” promotes French innovation and know-how and highlights the equipment, products, and services used by the armed forces.
Obtaining this label is recognition for the high level of technicality and performance of our products and services, and reflects the trust of French institutions in our group.


These certifications testify to the rigorous quality of our management system, guaranteeing high-quality products and services at every stage, from design to maintenance.
The EN9100 certification (currently in progress), tailored to the aerospace industry, demonstrates our ability to meet the strictest requirements, ensuring a reliable and high-performance approach in the design and production of our optronic equipment.

Usinage de pièces mécanique de haute précision

  • Photo portrait Jean Soleille Directeur Général d'Elynxo
    Jean Soleille

    To pursue sustainable growth in harmony with our CSR commitments.

    Our company relies on a flexible organizational structure, an innovation-oriented strategy, and continuous growth, while integrating concrete measures to meet our corporate social responsibility, positioning us favorably in an ever-changing world.

  • Photo portrait Nuno Lerias, Directeur Technique chez Elynxo
    Nuno Lerias
    Technical Director

    R&D is at the core of our approach.

    Our approach fundamentally relies on innovation and first-rate research and development, essential’ pillars that drive our company and enhance our long-term competitiveness.

  • Photo portrait Juliette Lloret, RRH d'Elynxo
    Juliette Lloret
    Human Resources

    Elynxo is first and foremost a team of women and men passionate about their professions.

    Elynxo places at the heart of its mission the professional development and fulfillment of each talent, a process inseparable from our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, an essential value for our collective success.

  • Photo Portrait de Laurie Jacob, responsable commerciale d'Elynxo
    Laurie Jacob
    Sales Manager

    Elynxo is a key player, operating at the heart of the complex international challenges of defense and industry.

    Our group relies on a flexible organizational structure, an innovation-oriented strategy, and continuous growth, while integrating concrete measures to meet our corporate social responsibility, positioning us favorably in an ever-changing world.

  • Photo Portrait de Nicolas Dissaux, responsable de production mécanique de précision, chez Elynxo
    Nicolas Dissaux
    Precision Machining Production Manager

    Bringing high-performance solutions and flexibility to our clients.

    Our approach integrates cutting-edge technical expertise, rigorous processes, an absolute commitment to quality, and great flexibility, ensuring an agile and highly effective response in all situations.

Our partners

We attach great importance to our clients and partners, whether they are civilian or military, governmental or industrial, by combining efficiency, responsiveness, cost reduction, and innovation to meet their needs over time.